Establishing a Research & Development Centre at Firma Inżynierska Tadeusz Wędzony to develop innovative solutions for pharmaceutical industry. Project ID number: POIR.02.01.00-00-0122/17.
The main purpose of the project is to establish R&D Centre with new products and technologies in the field of industrial automation. In order to achieve that, the following activities will be performed:
Construction of the building and furnishing it with necessary research apparatus and equipment. Completion of the investment will allow the applicant to acquire professional facilities to implement innovative R&D projects.
Performance and completion of R&D project, as per the research agenda.
Development of 2 innovative products: a printing, labeling and vision control machine SST4-1800
and a standalone, manually operated aggregation station. -
Development of 1 innovative technology: automated technology for printing, serialization and safety control.
The most important innovative project areas that are planned for implementation are focused on unique structural and functional solutions. R&D process that has been specified in the research agenda will consist of two main areas: mechanical and IT ones. Mechanical part of printing, labeling and vision control machine SST4-1800 consists of the following:
Improvement of machine’s design;
Quality of printing;
Elimination of defective product from technological line;
Application of Tamper evident type label.
IT-related part of printing, labeling and vision control machine SST4-1800 includes advanced programming procedures, in order to provide new system functionalities. The R&D works focused on both mechanical and IT parts of standalone, manually operated aggregation station include the following:
Selection of relevant parts for the system construction;
System construction for controlling of quantity and type of boxes in a multi-package, preparing bsuitable inventory either of a box or entire production series, creating a production history report.
Establishing a Research & Development Centre at Firma Inżynierska Tadeusz Wędzony will allow to improve production capacity of an existing plant. It will increase Firma's potential to develop innovative and modern solutions in the areas of industrial automation for different industries. The above mentioned R&D project will allow to introduct highly improved product dedicated specifically to pharmaceutical industry.
This project has been a part of a Smart Growth Operational Programme for 2014-2020 with financial support from the European Union.
The total value of the project is 3 843 619,52 PLN, while the funding amount requested is 1 715 521,66 PLN.